Price of eggs historically high
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Price of eggs historically high

  • 05 April 2023

In the Netherlands, eggs were on average 26.3 per cent more expensive in February 2023 than a year earlier. The price of eggs rose sharply in recent months. Consumers in the rest of the world also had to pay more for eggs. The higher price of eggs also caused the export value to increase. CBS reports.

The price of eggs in early 2023 is historically high. This is mainly due to the sharply increased cost of chicken feed. But the supply of eggs is also lower due to bird flu, which in turn affects the price. 

Eggs on average 31 per cent more expensive in Europe

In the European Union, eggs were on average 31.1 per cent more expensive in February 2023 than in February last year. But there are big differences between countries. In the Czech Republic, eggs were over 95 per cent more expensive and in Hungary and Slovakia the price increase was almost 80 per cent. 

Dutch egg exports account for nearly €1.5 billion

In 2022, the Netherlands exported eggs worth almost 1.5 billion euros. Nearly 29 per cent more eggs were exported in 2022 than in 2021. That the export value increased so much is due to the historically high price of eggs.

Source: CBS