Prevention is better than cure with Automator
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Prevention is better than cure

  • 04 June 2024

A periodically serviced printer and/or labeler performs optimally and has a longer lifespan. "We regularly find when a fault occurs that it could have been prevented if the machine had been serviced periodically," Robert Palushaj, General Manager at Automator, gives another reason to take maintenance seriously. 

How often is maintenance needed?

How often maintenance is needed depends, among other things, on how intensively the machine is used. Our technicians provide maintenance advice during installation or the first maintenance visit. They will then take into account all factors that have an impact on the machine. How often is the machine used? In what environment? And how is the machine maintained on a daily basis? These are all factors that go into determining the correct maintenance interval.

Your maintenance, our concern

At production companies, the focus is logically on the core business, production. It is not at all surprising that the focus is less on the regular maintenance of the machines. Automator offers the solution in the form of a service contract. "If a customer signs a service contract with us, we will contact him as soon as it is time for maintenance again," Robert clarifies. A service contract offers more advantages. You can read all about them in the blog 'Your maintenance, our concern - the benefits of a service contract'. You can also read there what work is carried out during maintenance.

+31 (0)10 415 64 00

Source: Automator