Nutri-Score: Voedselkeuzelogo in Nederland vanaf 1 januari
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Nutri-Score: Official Food Choice Logo Starting January 1st

  • 27 December 2023

As of January 1st, Nutri-Score becomes the official food choice logo of the Netherlands. This tool, a combination of a letter (A to E) and a color (dark green to dark orange), provides consumers with a straightforward way to compare products while shopping.

Nutri-Score does not pass judgment on the overall health of a product but focuses on its composition compared to similar products. For instance, a breakfast cake with a dark green A is healthier than a variant with an orange D. Maarten van Ooijen emphasizes that Nutri-Score is a complement to existing dietary guidelines, and it remains crucial to follow the Schijf van Vijf for a healthy eating pattern.

Behind the Scenes: How Nutri-Score is Calculated

The Nutri-Score is determined by an algorithm recently revised to better align with Dutch dietary guidelines. Joline Beulens, a member of the international scientific committee, explains that the updated algorithm more clearly identifies less healthy products. It assesses based on protein, fibers, fruits, vegetables, legumes, energy content, sugars, saturated fat, and salt, resulting in a total score ranging from dark green A to orange D.

Transition Period and Public Campaign: What to Expect

Starting January 1st, manufacturers can choose to display Nutri-Score on their products, using the revised algorithm. Packages with Nutri-Score already in stores may have been imported from countries where Nutri-Score is already in use. Dutch companies must implement the new algorithm by July 1st, 2024, while companies from other countries have until the end of 2025. A public campaign, scheduled for April 2024, will inform consumers about the effective use of Nutri-Score during grocery shopping.

Source: Rijksoverheid