Number of food webshops through the roof
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Number of food webshops through the roof

  • 23 August 2021

Because of corona we shop online massively. So it's only logical that the number of new webshops is going through the roof. The number of new food webshops grew the fastest in 2021, with 39% (from 4,660 to 6,500). Among the new online retailers, we see specialists in macarons and cheese. Even potatoes are delivered to your home with a few clicks.

Last year, a record number of 13,675 new online shops were registered with the Chamber of Commerce. In 2021, this trend will continue effortlessly. Figures from BoldData show that this year, no fewer than 10,340 Dutch people registered with the Chamber of Commerce as 'web shops': an increase of 17%. Never before has the number of web shops increased so much in the first two quarters of a year. 79% of these are sole traders. The total now amounts to 72,690 companies registered as webshops. Almost all of these new online entrepreneurs (83%) operate their web shops from home.

Another 55,699 companies with a webshop

In 10 years' time, the number of companies registered as webshops has grown by 350%. From 13,465 in 2011 to 72,690 at this moment. According to Daan Wolff of BoldData, the number of Dutch webshops is even higher than indicated in the trade register. "There are also companies that are not registered in the trade register as a webshop, but that do have a webshop. 55,699 in total. These are mainly owners of a physical shop who also sell their products online. But we also see manufacturers, wholesalers and business service providers with an online payment solution for their customers."

Source: BoldData