Novel Foods: Are you ready for the new rules?
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Novel Foods: Are you ready for the new rules?

  • 01 October 2024

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently updated its guidelines for novel food applications. This revision, set to take effect in February 2025, marks a significant step for companies aiming to introduce new food products to the European market. With an increasing variety of applications and a growing number of innovative products, the updates provide greater clarity in both scientific and administrative requirements.

Tightened scientific requirements

One of the key changes relates to the scientific information applicants are required to provide. Companies must submit detailed data on the composition, production processes, and intended use of the novel food. Safety assessments, including toxicology data and potential allergens, are also essential. EFSA's goal is to streamline risk assessments by receiving more structured and complete dossiers, contributing to a smoother evaluation process.

Process optimisation and transparency

In addition to the scientific guidelines, the administrative procedures have also been refined. EFSA has clarified how companies should prepare and submit their applications. This helps prevent misunderstandings and incomplete submissions, potentially speeding up the overall process. Transparency remains a core principle, and EFSA actively sought input from stakeholders, including consumer organisations and academic institutions, during the revision process.

Fewer animal tests, more innovation

Another key aspect of the updated guidelines is the focus on reducing animal testing. EFSA encourages the use of validated alternatives and asks companies to explore all other options before considering animal tests. This aligns with the EU's broader strategy to phase out animal testing over time.

Source: Europese Autoriteit voor Voedselveiligheid (EFSA)