Normec Foodcare & AKSV: A Strategic Partnership
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Normec Foodcare and AKSV Join Forces

  • 10 November 2023

In recent news, Normec Foodcare and the industry association AKSV have joined forces to enhance food safety and quality in the convenience food industry. This collaboration is in response to the growing popularity of convenience foods, such as ready meals and snacks, and the increasing demand for healthy and safe food options.

Collaborative effort for improvement

This partnership represents a first for AKSV. Normec Foodcare will support AKSV with its extensive knowledge and expertise in food safety and quality. This collaboration provides Normec Foodcare with access to AKSV's network, allowing them to better respond to experiences and signals from the field. This synergy promises advancements in regulation, knowledge sharing, and education within the convenience food industry.

Sharing knowledge and education

A key element of this partnership is the sharing of knowledge and education. AKSV will distribute Normec Foodcare's expertise to its members through publications, meetings, and training sessions. This will enable AKSV members to meet the highest standards and strict legal requirements for quality, health, and food safety. Providing this additional knowledge and support is crucial for adequately addressing food safety responsibilities.

Addressing challenges in the food industry

Aldo Evers, Senior Technical Specialist at Normec Foodcare, highlights that the food industry faces several challenges. These include reducing sugar, salt, and preservatives in products, using sustainable packaging, and ensuring food safety. Jan Aaltzen Linde, chairman of AKSV, confirms that their members produce products that comply with high standards and strict legal requirements. The collaboration with Normec Foodcare offers them access to additional knowledge and support to fulfill these responsibilities effectively.

Normec Foodcare, assists companies in complying with all relevant regulations in food quality and safety. AKSV, the association for the Convenience Food Industry, has 35 members who supply convenience foods daily to customers in the Netherlands and abroad. This partnership between Normec Foodcare and AKSV emphasizes the importance of food safety and quality in an ever-evolving industry.

Source: ©Normec Foodcare