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New Drug Law Also Bans Sweetener Aspartame

  • 29 January 2024

Recent research reveals that the proposed law to prohibit designer drugs unintentionally affects everyday and harmless substances. Interestingly, the popular sweetener aspartame tops the list of banned substances, alongside other surprising additions.

On January 16, the Second Chamber approved a bill aimed at prohibiting three specific groups of substances to counter the development of new designer drugs. However, new research discloses that these groups encompass more than just drugs. Kaj Hollemans, legal advisor for the advocacy group Normaaloverdrugs, emphasizes that the government seems to overlook the broader impact of the proposed law.

Aspartame and Phenylalanine: Unexpected Victims of the Law

The study reveals that not only aspartame but also the amino acid phenylalanine falls under the chemical definition of the law. Phenylalanine, an essential amino acid for human health, is used as a dietary supplement and has positive effects on mental health and pain management. Hollemans warns about the broader impact of the law, which not only appears unnecessary but also could pose legal challenges due to unintended bans on various substances.

In addition to phenylalanine, the research identifies other substances, including natural body compounds and pesticides, that unintentionally fall within the scope of the new drug law. The consequences of this law seem to extend beyond the initially intended purpose, raising questions about both its effectiveness and the legal justification for such broad prohibitions.


Source: Normaaloverdrugs