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NBC: Whole Grain Bread as Delicious as Brown Bread

  • 15 January 2024

Whole grain bread is often not considered the tastiest option when it comes to bread choices, but recent research from the Dutch Bakery Centre (NBC) debunks this perception. During Bread Week, from January 22 to 28, NBC focuses on the theme 'Whole Grain, Full of Fibers, Full of Flavor,' emphasizing the unexpected culinary qualities of whole grain bread.

While Dutch people prefer whole grain bread due to its higher fiber content and nutrients, NBC's consumer research revealed that taste acts as a stumbling block. The study compared various taste aspects, from aroma to aftertaste. The only notable difference was found in the aftertaste, which was slightly more favorably rated for brown bread.

Jenneke van Elderen, communication advisor at NBC, emphasized, "This research shows that whole grain is not only healthy but also delicious. Whole grain has the potential to boost both bread sales and the health of the Netherlands."

Whole Grain Bread Contains the Most Nutrients: A Healthy Choice Scrutinized

The research aims to encourage Dutch people to choose bread more often, especially whole grain. Whole grain bread proves to be the healthiest choice as it contains the most nutrients, especially fibers. The Nutrition Centre recommends consuming whole grain products as part of a balanced diet, yet three-quarters of the Dutch population still do not reach the recommended fiber intake.

Whole Grain and Brown Dominate the Bread Table: Noteworthy Evening Trend

According to NBC's annual GfK survey, whole grain (55%) and brown sandwiches (43%) are currently the most consumed types of bread. A noteworthy result is the increasing popularity of bread during dinner, with 14% of respondents in 2023 indicating bread consumption—an remarkable increase compared to previous years.


Source: NBC