Nationwide campaign for organic food launched
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Nationwide campaign for organic food launched

  • 10 June 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) has recently launched a new campaign to raise consumer awareness about the benefits of organic food. This campaign, part of the Organic Action Plan, aims to inform consumers about the advantages and the European organic label. Through television, online commercials, and the website, the ministry aims to showcase how delicious organic food can be.

Minister Piet Adema emphasizes the importance of clarity about organic food. He states that organic food is beneficial for farmers, animals, and the environment. Additionally, it is also very tasty. To promote sustainable agriculture, it is crucial that there is sufficient demand for organic products. Therefore, this campaign has been started to better inform consumers and stimulate the sale of organic products.

A behavior study by LNV last year showed that consumers often choose not to buy organic food 'out of habit.' Price, self-identification as an organic buyer, and social norms are significant factors. Consumers who currently do not purchase organic products feel that the benefits are not convincing or distinctive enough to justify the higher price. Furthermore, a study by the Dutch Court of Audit revealed that awareness of the organic label was insufficient. The new campaign addresses these issues by positively highlighting organic food.

Future ambitions

The Organic Action Plan aims to increase the share of organic farming in the Netherlands. Currently, only 4.5% of agricultural land is organic, but the goal is to grow this to 15% by 2030. To support this transition, €26 million has been available since last year for the shift to organic and nature-inclusive farming. Additionally, €50 million has been allocated for a market program. The ministry collaborates with supermarkets, farmers, and other chain partners to stimulate market development and support the consumer campaign. The involvement of the sector and businesses has been crucial in the development of this campaign.

Source: Rijksoverheid