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mEATquality is a new European project that will study all aspects of pork and broiler meat production. The main ambition of mEATquality is to provide consumers with better-quality meat and the animals with a high level of welfare. An important question in this respect is whether the taste of the meat differs per livestock farming system. Wageningen University & Research is the coordinator of this study.
The researchers want to know whether the taste of meat from pigs and chickens in extensive livestock systems differs from the meat taste from intensive livestock systems, for example because the animals can move around more or are given different feed. Additional aims are a reduction of environmental concerns and improvement of economic sustainability of the chain.
mEATquality is funded under the Horizon 2020 program. The mEATquality project started in October 2021 and focuses on research towards quality, safety and authenticity of meat as part of the “Farm to Fork” strategy of the EU.
Source: Wageningen University & Research
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