Meat substitutes not popular among most flexitarians
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Meat substitutes not popular among most flexitar­ians

  • 15 August 2024

Plant-based meat substitutes are often seen as an environmentally friendly alternative to meat, but they appear to be unpopular among the majority of Dutch flexitarians. This is according to recent research by Muriel Verain and Hans Dagevos from Wageningen University, which reveals that only "heavy" flexitarians and vegetarians are enthusiastic about these products.

Flexitarians avoid meat substitutes

The study, conducted among 1,941 Dutch adults, shows that only 30% of respondents plan to reduce their meat and dairy consumption in the coming years. Among flexitarians who eat meat three to five times a week, most have little interest in plant-based meat substitutes. This group is more inclined to reduce portion sizes or replace red meat with white meat, without significantly lowering their intake of animal proteins. This indicates a clear preference for traditional meat alternatives like legumes, nuts, and mushrooms, rather than popular vegetarian burgers or mince.

Differences within the flexitarian group

Significant differences exist within the flexitarian group. Those who eat meat just once or twice a week are more open to meat substitutes. Among hardcore meat eaters, who consume meat daily, interest in plant-based alternatives is negligible. The research findings demonstrate that meat substitutes are primarily popular among vegetarians and light flexitarians, and far less so among the average meat eater.

According to Verain and Dagevos, this study provides surprising insights. While it was expected that flexitarians would embrace plant-based alternatives, it now appears that the majority prefer other protein sources. These findings raise questions about the effectiveness of meat substitutes as a strategy to reduce meat consumption among the broader population.

Source: Wageningen Universiteit