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In the first half of 2022, the NVWA found 5,700 deficiencies in 39 Dutch red meat and poultry slaughterhouses. This resulted in 401 written warnings or fines.
Most violations were related to hygiene and animal welfare. Insufficient stunning of animals and contamination of carcasses with intestinal contents were common problems. There were 70 warnings and 62 fines imposed on red meat slaughterhouses, and 147 warnings and 122 fines on poultry slaughterhouses.
The 5,700 deficiencies may result in fines or warnings. However, making these numbers public provides only partial insight into the performance of slaughterhouses.
Supervisory vets and inspectors act on deficiencies to ensure animal welfare and food safety. Measures can range from temporary suspension of the slaughter line to holding the slaughterhouse accountable. All interventions by the NVWA are aimed at structural improvements.
More than 1,400 shortcomings were related to animal welfare. Gerard Bakker, NVWA inspector general, stressed that slaughterhouses need to take more responsibility. Improvement and change must come from within the sector itself.
The NVWA will continue to take strict action to ensure food safety and animal welfare.
Source: NVWA
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