Mandatory cameras in slaughterhouses and collection centers
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Mandatory cameras in slaughter­houses and collection centers

  • 12 June 2024

A new bill proposing amendments to the Animal Welfare Act has been put forward for consultation. This proposal requires slaughterhouses and collection centers to install cameras. The aim is to ensure animal welfare through improved oversight. In addition to camera surveillance, inspectors from the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) will continue to be present to monitor compliance with the regulations.

The bill introduces the possibility of mandating new technologies in the future, such as sensor technology and artificial intelligence. These technologies can assist in analyzing and selecting camera footage, further enhancing the effectiveness of supervision. Specific requirements for camera surveillance will be outlined in secondary legislation. This is essential to safeguard the fundamental rights of those involved, such as employees.

Mandatory camera surveillance and privacy

Cameras are already used voluntarily in slaughterhouses, but the bill now makes this compulsory. This measure will assist the NVWA in supervision and determine where cameras should be placed. For collection centers, this requirement is new. Additionally, the law raises important privacy issues. The bill directly impacts the privacy of employees and other individuals captured on camera footage.

This legislative change is significant for operators of slaughterhouses and collection centers. The introduction of mandatory camera surveillance and the use of advanced technologies can have a considerable impact on their operations. The consultation period provides stakeholders with the opportunity to express their opinions on these proposed changes.

Source: Internetconsultatie