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Building a good reputation often takes years. Destroying your good name can happen much quicker: in food it can depend on only one recall. Every week there are recall actions. Some more serious than the other. The labels are not correct, cleaning agent has remained on the production line or plastic particles have ended up in the end product. The first two causes of a recall cannot be prevented by Innclose... The third certainly can.
Almost all food factories are constructed of insulation panels, which are sealed with silicone sealant. On its own an excellent solution to create a good insulation value and to provide the room with a vapour barrier. Only: what if a sealant falls onto the production line, with all the consequences that entails? Especially in rooms where CIP cleaning takes place, the walls, doors and ceilings have a lot to endure due to the rapid temperature fluctuations.
Innclose from Varsseveld wondered: 'Can't that be done differently? The answer is 'Yes, it can! The company developed insulation panels, the seams of which can be welded. No more sealants and the associated misery. In the French fries industry and bakery world, the welded panels have already found their way. High-risk spaces deserve extra attention.
Think about this when planning the next construction or renovation! Innclose likes to think along with you: for example, which surface materials are needed to create optimal high-care rooms or hygienic sound absorption in your food factory. Want to know more about the many possibilities Innclose offers?
Visit www.innclose.com
Source: © Innclose
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