Growth in the organic sector continues
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Growth in the organic sector continues

  • 02 October 2024

The Dutch organic sector experienced significant growth in 2023, despite a year marked by economic challenges such as inflation and energy crises. This is highlighted in the Bionext Trend Report 2023, which provides a detailed overview of the sector's developments.

Organic farmland expands significantly

In 2023, organic farmland in the Netherlands increased by 9.5%, amounting to over 87,000 hectares. Gelderland leads the way with a 30% growth in organically managed land. This indicates that more space is being dedicated to sustainable farming practices in the country. At the same time, consumer demand for organic products continues to rise.

Growth in supermarkets and specialty stores

Organic sales in supermarkets rose by 14.5%, an increase of 150 million euros compared to 2022. The strongest growth in fresh categories was seen in fruit (+91%), fish (+32%), and cheese (+22.4%). Specialty stores saw their turnover grow by 6.9%, reaching 400 million euros. While inflation still plays a role, volume growth in the sector appears to be gradually returning.

International developments vary

While the Netherlands is making progress, international competition remains strong. In Europe, organic farmland grew by 3.9%, with countries such as Austria (25.5% organic farmland) and Sweden leading the way. Despite a slight decline in Germany, the market share of organic products in many European countries remains impressive.

Read the trend report.

Source: Bionext