Gebrs. Fuite wants to acquire Gosschalk
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Gebrs. Fuite wants to acquire Gosschalk

  • 11 April 2023

Gebrs. Fuite wants to acquire sole control of Gosschalk by buying all shares in Gosschalk. The companies applied to the Consumer and Market Authority (ACM) on 3 April 2023 for approval of the acquisition.

Gebrs. Fuite is mainly active in the production and trade of compound feed and related products, the production and trade of dairy raw materials, the operation and financing of livestock (cattle, more specifically calves) and the trade of poultry and veal.

Gosschalk is mainly active in cattle slaughtering, cattle purchasing and the purchase and sale of pork and beef. Gosschalk has limited activities in calf purchasing, calf slaughtering and veal trading.

Source: Autoriteit Consument en Markt