Future vision for Dutch North Sea fisheries
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Future vision for Dutch North Sea fisheries

  • 11 March 2024

On March 8, 2024, Minister Adema of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV) presented a significant vision to the Dutch Parliament. This vision, focusing on 'Food from Sea and Large Waters,' is crucial for the Dutch North Sea fisheries. The document not only provides insights into the current challenges facing the industry but also outlines a path forward. The Minister acknowledges the concerns of the fishermen but emphasizes the potential for a sustainable future.

A key point in the vision is the emphasis on sustainable and innovative seafood harvesting. The sector, faced with issues such as Brexit, high fuel prices, and restrictive measures like the pulse fishing ban, is under considerable pressure. Yet, the vision offers hope by exploring alternative sources of food harvesting, such as seaweed and shellfish. These forms of food production not only have a low CO2 footprint but also provide healthy proteins.

Space for fisheries

Another vital element is the preservation of fishing areas. The government aims for a balanced allocation of the North Sea, weighing the needs for food harvesting against other interests, such as wind farms. The feasibility of active fishing in future wind farms is also being explored. Moreover, the vision calls for better scientific understanding of the impact of bottom-trawling on the seabed, essential for the continuation of traditional fishing methods.

Innovative entrepreneurship

The vision highlights the importance of flexibility and innovation within the fishing sector. The focus is on supporting entrepreneurs exploring new business models and partnerships. This approach is crucial for the long-term viability of the sector and can contribute to more sustainable use of the sea. Additionally, the need for European cooperation and the development of an international innovation network is emphasized.

This future vision, developed in consultation with fishermen and other stakeholders, marks an important step for the Dutch fishing industry. It sets a course for a sustainable future, with an eye on both economic viability and ecological responsibility.


Source: Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV)