Fruit and Vegetable waste Monitor launched
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Fruit and Vegetable waste Monitor launched

  • 05 July 2024

Fruit and vegetables are essential for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Due to their limited shelf life, efficient logistics are crucial. However, products often go to waste due to oversupply or weather conditions. GroentenFruit Huis is committed to making waste streams and food waste transparent.

Wageningen University & Research has collected data from 2020 to 2022 and compiled a monitor. The results show that an average of 2.1% of products are wasted. For exotics, this figure is 3.7%, while for fruiting vegetables, it is 0.7%. Of the wasted products, 92% are sent for anaerobic digestion.

Fermentaton is waste

Fermentation is considered waste according to the European definition. Therefore, GroentenFruit Huis is investigating whether these waste streams can be used more effectively, for example, as food for humans or animals. This often also results in a better price.

Why monitoring?

Monitoring provides insight into where waste occurs, allowing for targeted reduction efforts. It also serves as a benchmark for companies to compare their performance with the industry average. During meetings, best practices are shared to collectively reduce food waste.

GroentenFruit Huis emphasizes the importance of collaboration with the Foundation Against Food Waste. The new monitor and benchmark support companies in their efforts to reduce waste. Rudy Toet from Combilo hopes more companies will join in the coming years to increase impact.

Photo: GroentenFruit Huis

Source: GroentenFruit Huis