Falling prices and export figures: the Dutch dairy sector in 2023
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Falling prices and export figures: the Dutch dairy sector in 2023

  • 24 July 2024

Dairy prices significantly dropped in 2023 after two years of increases. Despite stable milk production, there were notable trends in the production and export of various dairy products. What were the key figures and trends in 2023? ZuivelNL reflects on the past year with the brochure 'Zuivel in Cijfers 2023'.

Prices and production

In 2023, dairy prices fell significantly despite stable global milk production. The prices of protein-rich dairy products such as skimmed milk powder and whey powder fell sharply by 33% and 39%, respectively. This average price decline followed two years of substantial increases.

Dutch milk production reached approximately 14.7 billion kg in 2023, with 96% delivered to Dutch dairy factories. Milk supply increased by nearly 1% to 14 billion kg. After rising in the first seven months of 2023, there was a decline from September onwards, partly due to the bluetongue virus, which reduced milk yield in many infected cows.

Processing and export

Milk processing in the Netherlands remained stable at 13.9 billion kg. About 59% of this milk was used for cheese production, which increased by 3% in 2023 to 977 thousand tonnes. Butter and butter oil production decreased by 3%, while skimmed milk powder production dropped by 19%. The production of non-skimmed milk powder and consumer milk also declined by 3%.

The export value of Dutch dairy products amounted to €10.34 billion in 2023, a decrease of over 4% compared to 2022. This was mainly due to falling market prices, despite volume growth in most product groups. The export of whey products, skimmed milk powder, and non-skimmed milk powder saw significant declines in value.

Import and trade surplus

The Netherlands remains a major importer of dairy products from other EU member states, with Germany, Belgium, and Ireland being the main sources. The total import value fell by 8% to €5.0 billion. The dairy trade surplus remained stable at €5.3 billion in 2023. These figures highlight the role of the Netherlands as both a key exporter and importer within the European dairy market.

Read the report ‘Zuivel in Cijfers 2023’


Source: ZuivelNL