Experience the value of agile professionalism
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Experience the value of agile professionalism

  • 24 May 2023

As an employer, you can count yourself lucky when your staff moves with the developments and ambitions of your company. These agile professionals are the employees of the future. How do you get these employees and how do you train them? Find out at the event Beleef Wendbaar Vakmensschap on 8 June at Aeres MBO Leeuwarden.

As a company and training provider, how do you respond faster to changes? How do you increase the agility of employees and students? And how do you get enough trained employees in this day and age? The Wendbaar Vakmanschap in Lerende Organisaties (WVLO) programme has carried out several projects and studies in this area over the past four years. With success. You will hear the findings, lessons and advice for the future at the event Beleef Wendbaar Vakmensschap on 8 June at Aeres MBO Leeuwarden.

Agile at all levels

During the event, you will be updated in 2 hours on the highlights, do's and don'ts within this theme. The projects set up can be found in all layers of business and education. From large concerns like FrieslandCampina and Vitens to student assignments. The 'WVLO idea' even triggered a completely new way of training.


After an interactive talk show, with business government and education together at the table, participants go in groups past a number of stops. No fewer than 10 concrete examples of successful projects are ready for pitches. From a promising student project on upgrading returnable bread (in cooperation with Bakery Sweets Center) to the practicality of the WVLO toolkit: a toolkit with handy tools to make change run more smoothly.

Engage with entrepreneurs who made the WVLO approach their own. Sample products students made on behalf of companies. And listen to the boundless enthusiasm of teachers who are redefining the role of teacher. Finally, we will give a sneak preview of the continuation of the project.

Come to the event on 8 June

Wondering how you as a company or educator can work in a more future-oriented way? Then come to Aeres MBO Leeuwarden on 8 June. Beleef Wendbaar Vakmensschap starts at 14:30 and closes around 16:30 with networking drinks. For more information and to register, visit www.wvlo.nl/event.

Source: WVLO