Expositie ‘Verteerbaar’ toont dilemma’s rondom eiwittransitie
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Exhibition shows dilemmas related to protein transition

  • 31 July 2023

The exhibition 'Digestible,' which sheds light on the issue of protein transition, is on display for the coming period at art gallery Artphy in Wessinghuizen, Groningen. The central theme of the exhibition is the current changes in protein consumption and how these are experienced and interpreted by individuals.

According to the organizers, more and more people are showing a preference for food products derived from plant proteins. However, many of these products, especially those containing beans, come from faraway places such as South Africa. This is met with resistance from some consumers, who prefer these products to be produced locally.

During the exhibition, which runs from Aug. 5 to Oct. 22, ten artists will highlight the challenges and observations surrounding the protein transition through their art installations. These artists, from a variety of countries, each offer a unique perspective on the transition. In addition, several scientists and artists will provide workshops and lectures.

The art works touch on various facets of the protein transition, ranging from topics such as fungi, DNA technology and nitrogen use among the Aztecs and Mayans to enzymes, ethnography and the importance of healthy soil.

The official opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday, August 4 2023, at 3 p.m. in Wessinghuizen.


Source: Veld Post