Europe rejects ‘plant-based dairy censorship’
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Europe rejects ‘plant-based dairy censorship’

  • 27 May 2021

The European Parliament, the European Council, and the European Commission rejected Amendment 171, which would have meant severe restrictions for plant-based dairy products. ProVeg International challenged the amendment as an attack on environmental sustainability and gathered support from nearly half a million consumers who signed their petition. They also worked extensively behind the scenes, monitoring the situation, speaking to key actors, and gathering support from organisations and companies across the plant-based sector.

The dropping of this draft legislation, is  a critical turning point for healthy, sustainable diets in Europe. AM171 directly contradicted Europe’s climate goals, as expressed in the European Green Deal and  the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy, and invited environmentally reckless lobbying from the conservative side of the meat and dairy industries. In the end it was concern for a sustainable future, rather than the profits of the meat and dairy industry, that won the day.

Source: ProVeg