Dutch consumption of bread rebounds
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Dutch consumption of bread rebounds

  • 27 March 2023

Dutch bread consumption was on the rise again in 2022, but is not yet at pre-corona crisis levels. This is according to research by the Dutch Bakery Centre (NBC).

As many as 92% of Dutch people aged 15 and above eat bread on an average day. By far the most bread is eaten at lunch, followed by breakfast. 74% of Dutch people eat bread at lunch, 50% eat bread at breakfast. A much smaller percentage (14%) eats bread with dinner. On average, the Dutch eat 3.8 slices or buns a day. Half of these are eaten at lunch.

Wholemeal bread

The wholemeal bread is still the most commonly eaten. It has been eaten by 47% of those surveyed for three years in a row. The multigrain sandwich is in second place, followed by luxury sandwiches. Interestingly, a white sandwich is eaten more often than a wheat sandwich and filled bread is more popular than these sandwiches. 79% of Dutch people think bread is healthy, 88% think wholemeal bread is healthy. The most important aspects of bread are: taste, nutritious, healthy and affordable. At the very bottom of the list are sustainable and plant-based.


Source: Nederlands Bakkerij Centrum