The collection of plastic bottles and cans in the Netherlands keeps growing. Verpact announced that the projected collection rate for large and small plastic bottles in 2024 is expected to reach 78%. This means the Netherlands has already met the European target of 77% for plastic deposit bottles, a goal set to take effect in 2025. For cans, Verpact expects a collection rate of 82%, putting the Netherlands ahead of other European countries with deposit systems.
Research shows that shorter distances to collection points encourage consumers to return deposit containers. Since 2023, 1,109 new collection points have been added, bringing the total number of locations to 5,046. Additionally, there are approximately 20,000 places where consumers can donate deposit containers to a charity or association. Statiegeld Nederland, a subsidiary of Verpact, is also expanding its network of bulk machines. Currently, there are seven bulk machines in the Netherlands, with eight more to be added this year. The goal is to establish a nationwide network by the end of 2026, allowing consumers to conveniently return a full bag of deposit containers at once.
Verpact continues to enhance the convenience of container returns. Recent studies indicate that flexible acceptance criteria for damaged containers positively impact collection rates. Pilots are underway to make accepting dented containers a permanent feature, provided there are no issues with misuse or damage. Verpact is also exploring whether bank card refunds could be a suitable alternative to the current system, particularly for locations outside supermarkets. For younger consumers, Verpact is investigating which refund method is most likely to motivate them to return containers.
Verpact sees no need to raise the deposit amount and views such a change as potentially disadvantageous. Comparisons show that a collection target of 90% is achievable at the current rate, without increasing societal costs or risks.
Source: Verpact