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It’s now almost a year since the Nocospray disinfection concept obtained Ctgb authorisation as a biocide; a good time to take stock of the current situation.
“One important finding has been that disinfecting production areas sustainably doesn’t have to mean more expensively. It can actually turn out to be cheaper,” says Robert Kostrubiec from the company Simpel Desinfecteren. “In addition to the significantly better test results, especially in the meat and fish sectors, we’ve discovered that customers make substantial savings in terms of man-hours. They also save 100% of the replacement costs for silicone sealant. For a 3,000m³ production area, that amounts to a saving of EUR 10,000 over five years.” For more illustrative calculations, see www.simpeldesinfecteren/duurzaam-desinfecteren-in-food-goedkoper/.
Source: © Simpel Desinfecteren
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