I should be talking about the really important issues here: like the nitrogen crisis, for example, and all those farmers who suddenly don’t have permits anymore. Or Trump, pushing through one staggering measure after another. Sustainability is certainly not a cause close to his heart, but what will be the global consequences of that? Or simply, here in the Netherlands: how shrinkflation practices keep going and continue to harm consumer confidence.
Climate change, the energy crisis, geopolitical power plays… There are so many topics that affect me and deserve more attention, and countless business challenges that demand a vision—it’s overwhelming. The world is shaking to its core, and I’m searching for balance. When everything feels too big to grasp, I make myself small. I retreat into my shell.
You can take that ‘shell’ quite literally. It’s my home and the things under this roof that demand attention. There’s commotion within our own four walls too. And I don’t just mean the leaking gutter or the windows that desperately need upgrading to HR++. It’s about my kids. After a long search, endless applications, and never giving up hope, they’ve found their own places to live. They’re flying the nest, heading toward a new future.
Of course, I could start worrying again: what kind of future are they really flying into? What kind of world are we passing down to our children?
But for now, other issues are fighting for priority. Compared to the world’s problems, it’s peanuts, but still… They need a table to eat at and chairs to sit on. A new bed to sleep in so they can face the next day fully rested. A fridge, so their groceries won’t spoil.
Speaking of groceries, they do their shopping very smart. They really try to avoid food waste. They look for the most energy-efficient appliances their budget allows. They scour online marketplaces and thrift shops. There, they find great furniture discarded by others but lovingly restored by these young people for a second life. It’s nice to play a small role in this mini-scale transition, even if it’s just this: “Mom, could you drive me to [insert location] to pick up [insert piece of furniture or appliance]?”
This generation will find its way. Bold and brave, they’re stepping into the world. That’s encouraging, right?
Judith Witte
[email protected]
Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2025