China examines impact of rising beef imports
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China examines impact of rising beef imports

  • 29 December 2024

China is investigating the effects of increasing beef imports on its domestic market. Local farmers are raising concerns, as the higher supply drives down prices and forces them to sell their meat for less. Over the coming months, it will become clear whether measures are needed to protect the domestic industry.

Import tariffs under consideration

Previous investigations by the Chinese government into import flows have already resulted in tariffs on other products. This option appears to be on the table again. Brazil, Argentina, and Australia, which together account for a significant share of China’s beef imports, could be particularly affected. Brazil alone supplies half of all imported beef to China.

Tensions with Brazil escalating

Although relations between China and Brazil were recently strengthened, tensions between the two nations are rising. Brazil has opposed the cheap export of Chinese goods and has introduced tariffs on steel and iron from China. These developments are putting economic ties between the two countries under strain.

Source: ING