CBS: Consumer confidence hits new low
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CBS: Consumer confidence hits new low

  • 27 September 2022

Consumers were gloomier than ever in September 2022, breaking the low consumer confidence record for the fifth time this year. In September, confidence stood at -59, down from -54 in August. Consumers have never been so negative about the economy and their financial situation, CBS said. 

Consumers more pessimistic than ever about economic climate

Consumers were even more pessimistic about the economy in September 2022 than in August 2022. The sub-indicator economic climate went from -74 to -79. Not since the measurement began in 1986 have consumers been so gloomy about the economy.

Willingness to buy historically low

The willingness to buy reached -46 in September 2022, down from -41 in August. This is also the lowest level since the measurement began. Both opinions on the financial situation in the past 12 months and on the financial situation in the next 12 months were more negative than ever before.

Fewer and fewer people think they can put money aside

In September 2022, 46 per cent of respondents thought it unlikely or very unlikely that they would be able to put money aside in the next 12 months. This is the highest percentage since the time series began in 2017. The percentage that did think they would be able to put money aside fell to 50. Furthermore, 85 per cent of respondents felt that prices have risen sharply in the past 12 months. This too is a record.

Source: CBS