Campaign aims to make eggplants more appealing
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Campaign aims to make eggplants more appealing

  • 22 May 2024

The 'Lekker Eigenwijs' campaign seeks to put more eggplants on Dutch dinner tables. Recent research shows that consumers lack knowledge about how to prepare eggplants. This fruit vegetable is not top of mind for many. Only 28% of Dutch people eat eggplants at least once a year. Out of nineteen different vegetables, eggplants rank second to last in terms of consumption choice.

The association of Dutch eggplant growers, A8, aims to change this. At the end of May, they are launching the nationwide multimedia 'Lekker Eigenwijs' campaign to get more eggplants onto Dutch plates.

A vegetable you need to get to know

Before the campaign went live, research was conducted on the concept. It revealed that three-quarters of people who typically don't eat eggplants would be interested in cooking with them after seeing the 'Lekker Eigenwijs' campaign. Creative agency Food Cabinet developed the campaign. Creative director Kevin Corcoran stated, "We consciously chose to acknowledge with a wink that eggplants are not the easiest vegetable." One of the main barriers in the purchase decision was the lack of knowledge about how to prepare eggplants. "It's a vegetable you need to get to know. But once you know how to prepare it, it offers a lot in return."

Campaign kickoff

The 'Lekker Eigenwijs' campaign kicks off this week with an out-of-home campaign in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht. Additionally, there will be promotions on 200 in-store screens at supermarkets. Online, the campaign focuses on encouraging the use of eggplants through preparation videos and three hero recipes: Pasta alla Norma, Ratatouille Traybake, and Lasagne Melanzane. Collaborations with influencers are also part of the media plan.

Source: GF actueel