BRCGS of IFS: Welke certificering moet je kiezen?
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BRCGS or IFS: which one should you choose?

  • 26 October 2023

In the dynamic realm of food safety, both the BRCGS and IFS certificates offer an impressive framework. But how do they differ, and which one is the best fit for your organization? Normec Foodcare delves deeper into these two standards to provide you with a clear insight.

BRCGS and IFS: both are distinguished standards when it comes to food safety. They emerged from an urgent need for consistent assurance in food safety, driven by ever-increasing consumer demands and the globalization of food supply chains. Yet, each possesses its distinct characteristics.

BRCGS Certificate

The BRCGS certificate, introduced by the British Retail Consortium in 1998, is a globally recognized standard emphasizing the safety and accountability of consumer products. With its most recent update, Version 8 from 2018, it's regarded as a pivotal standard in both British and international retail sectors.

IFS Certificate

On the other hand, there's the IFS certificate. Often described as the 'German-French counterpart' to BRCGS, it represents a collaboration of several European organizations, with a particular emphasis on private label products. Its latest edition, Version 7, was released in October 2020.

Although both standards primarily focus on food safety, they also place significant importance on product quality, reflecting their strong affiliations with private labels in retail.

BRCGS or IFS Certificate?

So, which one should you opt for? While they share similar foundational principles, the primary differences lie in their audit protocols and criteria evaluation. For instance, while IFS has strict 'knock-out criteria,' BRCGS uses the 'fundamentals' label, allowing for more flexibility. In the Netherlands, and further across Europe, the choice between these certifications might vary based on the requirements of retailers and manufacturers. Some markets might have a pronounced preference, often aligned with GFSI recognition. Ultimately, the best certification choice hinges on your market segment and customer requirements.

Source: Normec Foodcare