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The new BRC version has been active since February 2019: BRC 8. Many companies are still struggling to get the new requirements implemented. How will the auditor assess this, is our company sufficiently prepared? Changes in for example management commitment, food safety culture, route cause analysis and authorized personnel. But how do you deal with all this?
In this interactive meeting, we want to help each other by providing insight into how we can implement this in practice.
The PAVO Foundation organises a company visit to Cloetta Belgium in Turnhout that is completely dedicated to BRC8. During this company visit we will tell you how Cloetta puts the changes into practice. But in interactive sessions it is the intention that the participants give each other insight into how they have done it. Two parallel sessions will be organized in which each participant can choose which session he wants to participate in. In addition, a certified auditor will indicate what the first experiences with BRC8 are and how the changes can be audited.
The meeting is intended for quality officers, production managers, continuous improvement officers and everyone involved in the implementation of BRC8 in the food industry.
Source: Stichting Pavo
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