BMEL Advocates for Mandatory Origin Labeling in Europe
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BMEL Wants Mandatory Origin Labeling in Europe

  • 02 February 2024

In an era where consumers increasingly prioritize knowing the origin of their food, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is advocating for mandatory origin labeling at the European level. This call reflects not only the growing consumer desire to understand where their food comes from but also the demand from the agricultural sector for greater transparency.

Providing origin information empowers consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. Currently, European regulations already require origin labeling for certain meat products. However, the BMEL aims for a more comprehensive scheme that is uniform across all EU member states. This expansion would not only enhance consumer information but also contribute to fair trade practices and the preservation of traditional production methods.

Recent Developments in Germany: Extending Origin Labeling to Meat Products

Since February 1, 2024, the BMEL has taken further steps towards more origin labeling, particularly for non-packaged meat products such as pork, sheep, goat, and poultry meat. This new regulation, being implemented nationally, extends existing EU rules for packaged meat to non-packaged products. This means that consumers will receive essential information about the origin of the meat not only with packaged products but also with fresh, refrigerated, or frozen meat products.

Future steps

While the expansion of origin labeling for meat is a significant step, the BMEL is also focusing on further measures, particularly in the out-of-home catering sector. Additionally, the BMEL closely monitors developments at the European level, particularly the proposals from the European Commission to expand origin labeling to other food products such as milk, rice, and certain vegetables. The future of food origin information looks increasingly transparent, with Germany leading the way in this development.

Source: Federale Ministerie van Voeding en Landbouw