BENEO introduceert Orafti® β-Fit: Bètaglucanen uit gerst
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BENEO expands fiber portfolio with beta-glucans

  • 19 July 2023

BENEO, a leading manufacturer of functional food ingredients, announces the launch of Orafti® β-Fit, its first beta-glucans ingredient from barley. This natural and clean label whole grain barley flour with 20% beta-glucans offers unique health benefits, including a positive impact on the heart and blood sugar levels. The globally available ingredient significantly enriches the company's range of functional fibers and aligns with the growing demand for sustainable, plant-based and whole grain food choices.

Consumers are increasingly showing interest in healthy eating, driving demand for products that promote heart health. According to research, 7 in 10 consumers worldwide are interested in such products. Orafti® β-Fit offers food manufacturers a simple way to produce tasty and healthy products that consumers can easily choose to positively impact their heart health.

Eric Neven, Commercial Managing Director for functional fibers at BENEO, says, "The exciting launch of Orafti® β-Fit, our new clean-label whole grain barley flour, once again proves our expertise and position as a leading provider of functional fibers. With its compelling health benefits and recognized health claims, Orafti® β-Fit supports our company's ambition to bring nutrition and health together, while also being a financially beneficial solution."

Soluble dietary fiber

Beta glucans from barley are soluble dietary fibers with proven health benefits for stable blood sugar and cardiovascular health. Orafti® β-Fit enriches foods with high fiber content and can be used in a variety of applications, including baked goods, pasta, breakfast cereals and meal replacements. Whole grains are used in the production of Orafti® β-Fit, which is in line with BENEO's commitment to sustainability.

Innovative ingredient

With Orafti® β-Fit, BENEO offers an innovative health-promoting ingredient that responds to consumers' growing need for healthier food choices. The company remains committed to promoting the health of consumers through science-based ingredients, and strives to continue offering further developments in the field of functional foods.

Source: BENEO