Belgians eat more meat, but opt for cheaper options
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Belgians eat more meat, but opt for cheaper options

  • 15 May 2024

In 2023, Belgians consumed an average of 27.7 kilograms of meat and poultry per person, marking a 1 percent increase from the previous year. This data comes from market research firm CPS GfK and the consumption tracker VLAM, conducted by iVox. Total expenditures in the food and household sector rose by 9 percent, although food inflation was higher at 13 percent. This indicates a decline in market relation to inflation, with consumers increasingly choosing cheaper meat products.

Cheaper cuts gain popularity

Due to high food prices, consumers are turning to more budget-friendly options such as chicken and pork, which saw an increase of 4 percent and 2 percent respectively in home consumption. Beef and meat mixtures also showed a slight increase of 1 percent in home consumption. However, more expensive meats like veal and lamb experienced a decrease in consumption volume, reflecting a trend towards more economically sensible choices within Belgian households.

Increase in processed meat

Processed meat constitutes about two-thirds of the total meat volume purchased, with cheaper cuts such as minced meat and sausages growing in popularity. This segment has seen an increase in market share compared to unprocessed meat. The volume of breaded meat and burgers is rising, while marinated meat is seeing a decrease in popularity. This illustrates a general preference for cost-efficient products at a time when consumers are critically examining their spending within their dietary habits.

Source: VILT