Ban on electric prods in livestock farming from 2025
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Ban on electric prods in livestock farming from 2025

  • 25 June 2024

The Dutch government aims to improve animal welfare standards in livestock farming. Minister Piet Adema of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) wants to ban the use of electric prods on animals. This ban is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, and will apply to both farms and during transport. This initiative aims to prevent animal abuse.

Current regulations allow the use of electric prods only in exceptional circumstances, such as with adult cattle and pigs that refuse to move. This equipment can only be used briefly and under strict conditions, targeting the muscles of the hind legs. However, undercover footage by Varkens in Nood has shown that these rules are frequently violated. Abuse results in unnecessary stress and pain for the animals. This issue was highlighted in 2023 when footage of misconduct during animal transport was released. In response, Minister Adema decided to implement a sector-wide ban on the equipment.

Implementation and enforcement of the ban

The ban will be established through a general administrative order (AMvB) and will be submitted to both the House of Representatives and the Senate as soon as possible. From July 2025, farmers and transporters will need to switch to alternative driving tools. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) will strictly monitor compliance through random inspections on farms and during transport.

Electric prods in slaughterhouses

Implementing stricter national regulations in slaughterhouses is more challenging due to European legislation. Therefore, Minister Adema is exploring the possibility of clarifying the limited use of electric prods in slaughterhouses through policy guidelines. NVWA inspectors will continue to oversee compliance with these regulations. The minister hopes this will prevent misunderstandings and improve animal welfare during the slaughter process.

Source: Rijksoverheid