Future of Ausnutria Ommen Explored through Acquisition
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Ausnutria Ommen saved by potential acquisi­tion

  • 15 July 2024

Ikwileerlijkezuivel.nl and Ausnutria have announced their intention to explore the feasibility of acquiring the production site in Ommen (Ausnutria Ommen B.V.). Employees of Ausnutria Ommen were informed of these plans.

In the coming period, discussions will take place between both parties to explore the potential acquisition and its terms. For some Ausnutria Ommen employees, this could mean job retention. More information about the acquisition is expected by the end of August.

Ausnutria is a global player in goat milk-based baby and children's nutrition under the Kabrita brand, operating in more than 60 countries. With Dutch roots, the company is headquartered in Zwolle and has five production sites in Heerenveen, Leeuwarden, Kampen, and Ommen, in addition to subsidiaries in the Middle East, the US, Europe, Mexico, and China. In January, Ausnutria announced the closure of the Ommen site due to changing market conditions and a revised business strategy.

Ikwileerlijkezuivel.nl focuses on sustainably balancing dairy farmers and nature in and around Natura 2000 areas. The organization aims for financially healthy operations and collaborates with supply chain partners on innovation. It strongly emphasizes the sustainability of Natura 2000 areas to preserve them for future generations.

Source: Ausnutria

Source: ©Ausnutria