6 key considerations when purchasing a steam boiler
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6 key consider­ations when purchasing a steam boiler

  • 19 September 2023

Is your company in need of a new steam system? Making an informed decision regarding the purchase of a steam installation is crucial. Steam boilers are an investment meant to fit your needs for a long period.

1. Determine steam demand

Firstly, it's essential to know the amount of steam you require. Additionally, consider how often you need steam. If it's infrequently, perhaps renting a steam boiler is a more suitable solution. Lastly, we recommend contemplating your potential long-term steam requirements.

2. Origin of the steam system

Maintenance plays a vital role in the lifespan of a steam system. Thus, it's paramount that maintenance can be conducted by a trustworthy partner familiar with your boiler's brand, who can also source and replace components if needed.

3. Steam generation method

Sustainability in energy consumption is a prominent topic in the industry. Gone are the days of abundant cheap energy. Such developments impact your steam installation decisions. While steam generation can be achieved using gas or diesel, electricity has been a viable option for decades.

4. Determine the right steam type

The steam quality can influence the final product's quality and safety. Therefore, determine if a specific steam quality is desired or necessary for your production. The steam quality type affects the steam system's design.

5. Explore subsidy opportunities

Once you have clarity on the steam system your company intends to purchase, check if there are available subsidies you might be eligible for. Read our comprehensive article with examples on Scharff Techniek's website.

6. Integration into regular operations

Post-installation maintenance and inspections are vital for safety and prolonging the boiler's lifespan. Scharff Techniek assists you in understanding the tasks required for a steam installation.

7. Purchasing a steam boiler

Our goal is for you to select the right steam boiler or thermal oil boiler tailored to your specific production. With over 40 years of expertise in steam technology, Scharff Techniek is a seasoned partner in the field of steam. Contact us to discuss your options without any obligations.


Source: Scharff Techniek