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During an inspection by the Dutch Food Product Safety Authority (NVWA) at the end of 2019, 15% of the companies inspected, which are known to have purchased sulphite in recent years, were found to be using prohibited sulphite. Previously, this percentage was 50%. According to these figures, the use of sulphite in meat seems to be decreasing.
A total of 46 companies were inspected and 7 companies were found to use sulphite in minced meat and similar products. Of the 13 companies fined in 2018, 2 were still using sulphite. Of the 19 farms fined in spring 2019, 1 still uses sulphite.
During the inspection, inspectors saw that means other than sulphite were sometimes used to colour the meat red. However, colouring meat and meat preparations is not permitted.
Source: © NVWA
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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