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As of 19 October 2018, manufacturers will no longer be allowed to use the 'Vinkje' in the Netherlands. The Dutch Consumers' Association is satisfied with the fact that the misleading logo will disappear on food packaging. However, they do believe that a different logo should replace it. Research has shown that consumers need a logo that simplifies making healthy choices.
Three quarters of the Consumer Association panel is in favor of a food choice logo on the front of the packaging. 62% indicated that this makes it easier to make a choice.
Previous research by the Consumers' Association showed that consumers prefer a color coding, a traffic light system. They would like to see this new color coding on healthy and unhealthy products and that this is developed separately from the business community.
Bart Combée, Director Consumer Association: The healthiness of a product is visible at a single glance when there is a logo with traffic light colors on the front of the packaging. A dynamic approach by the Ministry of Public Health is required to really achieve a balanced, independent and comprehensible food choice logo'.
Source: Dutch Consumers' Association
Source: Beeld: © Pixabay
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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